Well, you know it’s “those things” which get in the way of us moving forward with an idea, or project isn’t it? I know, as I’ve been there, with “those things”, many times.

I’ve learnt many skills over the last 20+ years in my work, personal and volunteering life. From business planning and creating a business from scratch, to using social media as a tool to communicate with customers, I’ve had a long journey. Some of that journey hasn’t been easy, but I’ve always learnt.

I’ve been helping small businesses, charities and friends with “those things”, for many years. Examples of “those things” I’ve done to help others include:

  • Created simple websites, set up and managed social media
  • Trained and supported people to develop and online presence and use social media or blogging to grow their audience
  • Managed a web development project from original outline, to fulfilment and developing new ideas